Fonzie Spots Dolphins On a recent boat trip in search for whales I saw for the first time ever Spotted Dolphins! At first I thought it was the beautiful spinner dolphins but as they swam happily toward our boat I was awestruck in the beauty and intricate pattern of the specks all over them. That was absolutely amazing. I never knew that existed on top of that here in Palau. Imagine being a smooth streamlined dolphin swimming carefree with the pod, and then having your own personalized spots on you is a whole 'nother story. Dolphins and humans have a unique bond with each other. I head dolphins and disabled people have an even closer bond or telekinetic wave or power/energy. Whatever it is, dolphins automatically bring happiness to almost everyone just in their presence alone to those who appreciate animals and creatures of the sea. On my kayak tours when the subject of dolphins comes up I explain my experience and still to be learned knowledge of dolphins in Palau.
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